Ultimate Guide on How to Hydrate Hair after Bleaching

Did you get into trouble with the damage after bleaching? Coloring your hair with bleach can bring a flawless shade to your hair but in that way, your hair will be weakened significantly with the broken hair structure leading to dryness and coarseness. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t restore the side effects of bleach. In this article, we will cover all tips and methods for rehydrating your hair to make it healthy and stunning.
What Does Bleach Do To Your Hair?
Whether you lighten your hair at home or from the salon, your hair is under the process of alkaline agents which is normally known as bleaching or lightener power. These ingredients will open your hair cuticles and remove the natural pigments. This dissolving process can let your hair take color better but result in multiple side effects.
Dryness after Bleaching
You are wondering why bleaching your hair can cause dryness? For a simple explanation, you can know the bleaching process as the way bleach penetrates deeply to your cuticle and eliminates the appearance of any fatty acids which play an important role in hair moisture. Therefore, after the involvement of chemicals, your hair does not have enough natural oils to maintain hydration leading to dryness.
Hair Breakage after Bleaching
In order to dissolve the melanin of your hair, your hair cuticles are opened and separated completely under the harsh treatment of bleach. This dissociation can allow the fluent adaptation of color but can also leave a breakage to your hair. Your strands are more vulnerable than usual and prone to loss. In some worse situations, the split ends can happen due to the loss of natural oils.
Gummy or Stretchy Hair after Bleaching
Exposure to chemicals when bleaching your hair is the main reason for hair structural changes. The abrasion of cuticles from multiple lightening hair processes degrades the elasticity of each strand and causes cumulative damage. The lack of this structural integrity will result in stretchy hair or sometimes gummy.
But don’t be too panicked when facing these issues. By a simple procedure, called "Hydrate," you can still restore your hair. Continue reading with us for the best solutions.
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Rehydrating your Hair after Bleaching by Healthy Lifestyle
Besides natural hydrate methods, the way you live and your hair care routine will affect the increase in hair moisture. The strong strand will allow nutrients to absorb more quickly. Let's see some methods that will strengthen your hair.
Avoid over-washing hair after bleaching and toning
Be careful when you use your shampoo. Some ingredients from shampoo impact negatively on your vulnerable scalp, and some have strong cleaning properties that can cause harm to your breakage strand. The ideal hair washing times recommended by a lot of people are once or twice per week. When washing your hair with shampoo, it would be better if you can adjust another shampoo that is suitable for your color-damaged hair.
Prevent The Impact of Chlorine
Chlorine is one of the materials that you should avoid for healthy hair. Your bleached hair can shade to brassy blond or orange while exposing Chlorine from the pool or any water source containing it.
Use Cool Water for Washing Your Bleached Hair
Your hair will get further damage due to the steam. When using bleach to open cuticles, the hair structure is broken. Your hair cuticles, therefore, under warm or hot water will be revealed again. The natural oils will follow the flow of water and move out of your strands leading to dryness.
Hydrating Your Bleached Hair By Natural ways
If you do not want any extra product for your hair, going for natural methods will be the best idea. There is no need for you to prepare much about the material because you can easily find all of these which will be mentioned below in your kitchen.
Olive oil - Give your hair some life after bleaching
You can use olive oil alone or blend it with honey to massage your scalp. Depending on your current hair texture, the amount of olive oil can be changeable. Applying ¼ cup of olive oil to your full scalp and leave it for about 15 minutes before washing with shampoo which is designed for damaged hair.
Besides this method, you can use olive oil as a mask for your strands by stirring three tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of honey. Cover your hair with the paste and wait for about 30 minutes. You can do it twice per week for the best result. In this way, the breakage will be reduced gradually.
Coconut Oil - Seal your hair and prevent protein loss
According to the study, coconut oil can prevent protein loss from your hair, especially after bleaching. Therefore, you can apply coconut oil before and after the involvement of alkaline agents. Healing your ends with coconut oil, don’t forget to use enough amount for each strand. You can trap the heat with a microfiber towel and wear it overnight. The heat will open your cuticle and let coconut oil dive deeper into your strands.
Argan oil - Protect your hair from further damage
We can’t deny the effectiveness of argan oil for hydrating your hair from the inside. Argan oil is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants which are needed for your strands right now. It is the best ingredient that can decrease hair loss after bleaching. Making an argan oil mask for your bleached hair is simple, just about 8 to 10 drops of argan oil and massage through your hair and scalp.
Yogurt - balance the scalp pH and moisturize dry hair
Another ingredient that can balance the scalp pH and bring moisture to your strand deeply inside is Yogurt. The damage from chemicals will be soothed with yogurt. The mixture of yogurt and avocado is perfect for a healthy scalp but if you can still it alone.
Using Hair Products for Your Damaged Bleached Hair
Under the dehydration of chemicals, almost all-natural oils of your strands are removed. Your strands demand more additional proteins and moisture ingredients to fill the gap between each cuticle. To limit the falling out of your hair after bleaching and improve the performance of your strands, it is needed to provide enough protein and moisture oils for deep hydration. Thus, It is essential to replace your shampoo with a moisturizer and deep conditioner. This contributes to humidity, reconstruction, and shine in the excess porosity of your hair. Your thirsty locks will be hydrated with support from hair moisturizer products.
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In a nutshell, bleaching your hair can cause several problems but with appropriate hydration from inside, the side effects after bleaching such as breakage, hair loss, and dryness can be overcome. We hope that our guide can help you have hydrated hair after the hash treatment from chemicals. If you have any more ideas, you can share them with us