Get Ready for Lightening Hair with Hydrogen Peroxide

You are bored with your normal hair and want a dramatic change to your hair without the damage of harsh chemicals from bleaching. Go for hydrogen peroxide and you won’t go wrong with this decision. In this article, we will show you detailed steps to have a bright color with hydrogen peroxide at home and specific notes to achieve the perfect color.
What Is Hydrogen Peroxide?
The most important factor when diving into any new method, the basic information is needed to be carefully understood. Hydrogen peroxide is renowned for its antibacterial and antiviral effects as an oxidant. You will see the appearance of it throughout the various hair dyes and lighteners or bleach kits available on the market. Hydrogen Peroxide will work as releasing oxygen when applied to the strand and remove the hair pigment making it lighter.
If you are about to lighten or bleach your hair with Hydrogen Peroxide, here is our guide which is easy to follow. Let's scroll down for more detail.
Having a bright shade with only hydrogen peroxide is a good option but collaborating it with other ingredients will strengthen its power and boost the elimination of hair pigment effectively. We will cover the most common methods that are simple to do at home. Here is our guide which is easy to follow, let's scroll down for more detail.
Bleaching your hair with Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda
This method is for the most lighter color you can achieve with hydrogen peroxide. The support from alkaline - Baking Soda will activate the power of hydrogen peroxide to break down the melanin on each strand resulting in a brighter color.
Step 1: Preparing for essential products and supplements
Most of the people will come with these materials:
- 3% hydrogen peroxide
- Baking Soda
- A plastic bowl
- Plastic shower cap
- Aluminum foil
- Gloves
Note: Baking soda can cause dryness to your hair so it would be better if you prepare for a conditioner designed for applying after dying or lightening hair.
Step 2: Mixing the developer with baking soda
The ideal ratio of these components is 1:1 but depending on how light it would come, the ratio could be adjustable.
Firstly, add one cup of baking soda in a bowl then blend with 2-3 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Mix it until both of the ingredients become a paste. The blend should be sufficiently fluid to penetrate swiftly into your strands.
Step 3: Washing your hair
Make sure that your hair is clean enough to spread the mixture on each strand. The dirt or impurities from your hair will prevent the penetration of hydrogen peroxide resulting in streaks. The damp hair or dry hair is totally fine during the application.
Note: Don’t let your hair wet, otherwise, the mixture can not work on your hair.
Step 4: Separating your hair into multiple pieces
You will need clips to complete this step. The sectioned hair will let you know which one has applied which one is not. You prefer to start spreading the mixture from downward to upward so place your hair wisely to reduce your time.
Once you finish, you can hold a little hair for testing the reaction of hydrogen peroxide whether it causes itching or burning or not.
Step 5: Spreading the mixture evenly on the selected hair.
Let your hair dive into the developer with baking soda. Don’t apply closely to your scalp, you will work with that part later. To let the color take better, the foil technique is ideal for you.
>> Learn foil technique for bleaching hair here
When the mixture is covered all over your hair, let it sit on your strands for over 30 minutes. Check the color carefully until it reaches your desired color.
Step 6: Rinse and dry hair
Your strands right now are so vulnerable, so don’t use the shampoo to clean the mixture. Cool water and conditioner are perfect alternatives to leave your hair smooth.
Lightening your hair with Hydrogen Peroxide and Shampoo
If you want a gentle method for lightening your hair, using hydrogen peroxide with shampoo is a good idea. The result will not be as light as the above method but rest assured that your hair will lift up to two levels.
Because some steps of this method will be the same as a guide of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, we will only list the different parts for you to easily distinguish.
Supplies for lightening hair
For each lightening hair session, you will need all of the material on your hands. The preparation will boost your confidence.
- Aluminum foil
- Shower cap
- Organic shampoo ( Don’t choose the shampoo that contains the chemicals because it can caused the split ends to your strands)
- 3% hydrogen peroxide
- A bowl
Mixture Ratio
The biggest difference between this method and the below method is the ingredients and ratio. You will mix one part of water with one part of 3% hydrogen peroxide and stir it until it is completely blended.
Follow the same step as hydrogen Peroxide and baking Soda and leave the mixture on your strand for about 15-30 minutes based on your density and hair texture.
Could You Lightening Your Hair without Hydrogen Peroxide?
If you don’t want to use hydrogen peroxide directly, you could buy a shampoo aiming for a lightening color. These products can do the same job as hydrogen peroxide to lighten your hair. Here are our suggestions:
>> Get this one from Amazon to receive a discount of 35%
Pureology Strength Cure Blonde Purple Shampoo for Lightening Color
>> Click here to get a good deal from Amazon when purchasing Pureology product
John Frieda Sheer Blonde Go Blonder Lightening Shampoo and Conditioner
>> Lightening your hair with this shampoo and receive a 30% OFF from Amazon
Amazon Discounts On Hair Dyes You Should Know:
Some FAQs When using Hydrogen Peroxide for Hair
How long does it take for hydrogen peroxide to lighten hair?
Your hair will be damaged when leaving the hydrogen peroxide too long on your hair. Therefore, you will need to control the limited time for each session. The ideal time is 30 minutes but it can be changed based on your hair’s length, texture, and density. The irritation is also a factor to determine the waiting time so make sure that you rinse your hair clearly when it is on time.
How is Your Hair Before and After using Hydrogen Peroxide?
When you give Hydrogen Peroxide a try to achieve a lighter color, you will expect the perfect result right? Let's take a look at this one and you will fall in love with the benefit from our home remedies.
Can we whiten gray hair with Hydrogen Peroxide?
The answer is an absolute yes. The hydrogen peroxide will break the melanocytes in your scalp and leave a lighter color on your hair. You can use these mentioned steps to dye your hair at home or go to a salon for professional advice. The solution for your gray hair is endless, you can refer to our article for more details or search online for more detail.
From now on, lightening your hair at home is not complicated as usual when using hydrogen peroxide. We hope that our detailed guide will help you get the perfect shade with cost-effective methods. If you have any more ideas, let us know and we will share them with others.