How Much Does It Cost To Have Your Car Brake Checked And Repaired At Pep Boys?

Changing your brake pads is a fairly simple procedure that almost anyone with the correct tools can complete. When it comes to brakes, however, if you are not skilled in this area, we recommend that you seek out a local brake service to have your brakes thoroughly examined. This article focuses on how much a brake service costs, particularly in PepBoys, and what is included in that service.
When Should You Have Your Brake Checked?
Once a year, or every 15,000 miles, your brakes should be examined for safety and functionality issues. If you notice any of the following signs, you should visit a brake service as soon as possible to have your brakes checked. This ensures that you can drive safely.
- When applying brakes, there is a grinding or squealing sound.
- Extra pedal pressure is required to come to a complete halt.
- Your stopping distance appears to be longer than typical.
- Any brake-related dashboard lights turn on.
What Is Involved In A Brake Service By Pep Boys?
Here is a list of brake services you can choose at PepBoys:
To identify specific braking faults, conduct a road test.
- Examine the pads and shoes for signs of wear.
- Examine the hardware and hydraulics of the brakes.
- Brake pads and shoes should be clean.
- Tire pressure should be adjusted.
- Brake pads or shoes should be replaced.
- Rotors and drums should be resurfaced.
- Examine the brake lines.
- Clean the piston and lubricate the caliper slides.
- Brake fluid should be checked and flushed.
How Much Does Pepoys Brake Service Cost?
A total brake repair, which includes the replacement of pads, rotors, and calipers, costs between $300 and $800. A complete brake job, on the other hand, can easily cost more than $1,000 depending on the make and model of your vehicle. The average cost of replacing brake pads is $150 per axle, although it can range from $100 to $300 per axle.
- Rotors (parts) range from $30 to $75 each (Parts)
- Pads: $35 to $150
- Labor: $150-$200
- Total cost per axle is between $250 and $500.
Types of pads |
Warranty |
Price per Axle |
Standard |
18 month/18,000 miles |
$210 |
Platinum |
24 month/24,000 miles |
$260 |
Ceramic |
30 month/30,000 miles |
$280 |
Akebono Ceramic |
30 month/30,000 miles |
$300 |
PepBoys Standard Brake Service Package
This standard brake service package by PepBoys includes:
- Brake pads and installation by Wagner
- Inspection of the braking system
- Brake rotor/drum resurfacing
- Warranty on brake pads and shoes for the rest of your life
- Labor warranty is 12 months / 12000 miles.
- Discount up to $40
- OE or original equipment criteria are met by all Breaking replacement parts, including Wagner brake pads and shoes and ProStop standard.
- ProStop Standard Pads are made of a specific resistance composition that provides consistent stopping power for your vehicle's safe braking.
PepBoys Premium Brake Service Package
This premium brake service package by PepBoys includes:
- Brake pads and installation by Wagner
- Inspection of the braking system
- Brake rotor/drum resurfacing system
- Changing the brake fluid
- Warranty on brake pads and shoes for the rest of your life
- Labor warranty is for 24 months or 24000 miles.
- Wagner QuickStop brake pads or ProStop platinum brake pads are applied to your vehicle's braking system as needed.
- The use of chamfered and slotted original equipment specifications of your vehicle reduces harshness and noise.
Factors Impact On Brake Service
There are many factors impacting the cost of brake repair or replacement services. The first factor is the labor fee, for example, the longer time it takes to remove your old brakes, the higher the cost is. If you choose a high-quality brake, it is sure that the price is also higher than a normal brake. The type of brake drum or disk, you choose is also a factor that decides the total price of brake service. It also depends on the model of your to replace a new appropriate brake. And the final factor is your particular mechanic's price competitiveness in comparison to current and local automobile prices.
So how long does it take to complete a brake job? As you can see, a proper brake job entails a lot of work. Depending on the brake system's state when you initially start. On average, a standard disk brake-type car takes about 1 1/2 - 2 hours to complete (including resurfacing the rotors).
Final Words
Pep Boys offers a choice of brake change alternatives to suit your needs, with the majority of them including a manufacturer's refund. You'll get complimentary brake inspections, car battery tests, windshield wiper installation, and alignment checks as a Rewards Member. As a result, having one of Pep Boys' experienced technicians inspect your vehicle is an excellent idea. Visit to get discount coupons from PepBoys that you can use for most online purchases at this store.
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